
Vampire S-10E

NameVampire S-10E
ManufacturerUnited Ship Production Company
Type(Light) Fighter
Tonnage220 tons (displacement: 970 tons)
Crew1 / 3 / 5
DimensionsLength: 39 m · Width: 32 m · Height: 4 m
Armour Class6
Maneuverability2 (Ini: +2 / AC: -2 / Pilot: +20%)
Cargo9 tons
Weapon spaces12
Armour Plating75
OptionsShort Range Sensors, NLS Engine, Foldspace Drive, Foldcomm, Artificial Gravity
Speed40 km/s
Cost2.1 Million Cr
Availability10 %
Range212 light-years (redundancy: 11 tons, 5%)
Speed: Standard (300 ly/day) · Cost: x0.56 (11 cr/ly, 1.766 ly/fp)
Year430 NGST
Last Edited31. Jul 2010 at 11:29 (Nonnib)
DescriptionThe Vampire was initially developed for the Imperial Navy as a weapon for use against Andoronia if war should break out. The Imperial Navy's Ultimite space vehicles were simply too cumbersome and couldn't carry enough fire power to strike against the powerful Andoronian Sargot-Pan's. The Vampire could. The S-10E was developed some time later for the Imperilal Marine corps, and was the principal fighter in the war against the Dilren regime in the end of the NGST era, and soon after took part in overthrowing the old galactic Empire. There have new versions since the S-10E, but it is still the weapon of choice of the Imperial Marines.